Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Timor Leste Kecam Gaji Tinggi Konsultan Asing

Dili (ANTARA News/AFP) - Bank Dunia telah dipaksa membela para konsultannya di Timor Leste setelah besar gaji para pekerja asing sewaan kementerian keuangan Timor Leste bocor ke media lokal dan menyebarkan kemarahan luas rakyat.
Kemarahan rakyat Timor Leste tertumpah pada gaji luar biasa besar yang ditawarkan pada para konsultan asing di negara di mana setengah dari jumlah penduduknya yang mencapai 1 juta orang, hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan.
Sebaiknya, Bank Dunia menilai pembayaran upah yang dikeluarkan kementerian keuangan Timor Leste itu sudah sesuai dengan tingkat pasar yang berlaku secara internasional dan menyebut publikasi rincian kontrak kerja itu melanggar privasi.
"Saya prihatin bahwa privasi para pribadi (konsultan asing) ini telah dilanggar, dalam satu lingkungan yang dampaknya membuat mereka diidentifikasi sebagai para bajingan karena menerima gaji sesuai dengan tingkat pasar (standard) internasional," kata Kepala Perwakilan Bank Dunia untuk Timor Leste, Nigel Roberts.
Pejabat urusan komunikasi Bank Dunia Aleta Moriarty menambahkan, publikasi rincian pribadi para profesional asing yang sangat ahli ini sungguh memprihatinkan.
"Itu bisa, jika berkembang lebih jauh, memiliki implikasi terhadap kesediaan mereka untuk melanjutkan pekerjaannya di Timor Timur. Ini hanya akan berdampak negatif pada pembangunan (ekonomi Timor Leste)," kata Moriarty.
Pangkal masalahnya adalah gaji para penasehat (konsultan) internasional yang direkrut sebagai bagian dari Program Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Kapasitas Manajemen Keuangan (PFMCBP) yang merupakan proyek lima tahunan untuk memperkuat kementerian keuangan Timor Leste.
Pada 24 April, surat kabar Tempo Semanal, dalam lamannya, menerbitkan kontrak para penasehat internasional yang dipekerjakan dalam kerangka PFMCBP dengan gaji per tahun bervariasi dari 100 ribu dolar AS (Rp1,1 miliar) sampai lebih dari 500 ribu dolar AS (Rp5,5 miliar).
Kubu oposisi dari Front Revolusioner untuk Kemerdekaan Timor Timur (Fretelin) mengangkat isu ini untuk menyerang pemerintah pimpinan Perdana Menteri Xanana Gusmao.
"Keprihatinan utama kami adalah proses rekrutmen dan transparansi dalam kementerian keuangan. Kami berulangkali bertanya namun tidak pernah menerima jawaban," kata anggota parlemen dari Fretilin, Arsenio Bano.
Bano melanjutkan, "Para penasehat internasional telah dipekerjakan dengan gaji sangat tinggi di sebuah negara di mana setengah dari penduduknya hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Ini tidak bertanggungjawab.
"PFMCBP didanai oleh Bank Dunia dalam kerangka Bantuan Pembangunan Internasional (IDA) dengan bantuan para donor.
Para konsultan direkrut oleh kementerian keuangan tetapi sesungguhnya Bank Dunia dan negara-negara donor seperti Australia dan Selandia Barulah yang membelokan uang itu ke para ahli asing.
Seorang penasehat internasional yang dipekerjakan dalam kerangka PFMCBP mengungkapkan, publikasi kontrak kerja itu telah memperberat beban kerja yang dirasakannya sudah berat dan sulit.
Sementara Menteri Keuangan Emilia Pires menyeberang ke kubu oposisi dengan alasan pemerintah tidak lagi mau bertanggungjawab atas persoalan gaji para pekerja asing itu.
"Seluruh penasehat asing ditambah beberapa penasehat lokal dalam kementerian saya benar-benar dibayar oleh uang orang asing," kata Emilia menunjuk Bank Dunia dan negara donor.
"Kadang-kadang kami tidak cukup menjelaskan apa yang sedang kami lakukan, namun itu karena kami terlalu sibuk mencoba merengkuh hasil-hasil (program ekonomi) dan meningkatkan penghidupan rakyat kami.
"Realisasi anggaran meningkat dari 76 juta dolar AS pada 2005-2006 menjadi 550 juta dolar AS pada 2008," terang Moriarty.
"Realisasi belanja, bersama dengan pengeluaran untuk infrastruktur, barang dan jasa, diperkirakan telah menyumbang 12 persen pertumbuhan ekonomi (Timor Leste). Hasil ini dapat tercapai karena kerja para konsultan PFMCBP," kata Moriarty membela diri. (*)


Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

East Timor May Invest 10% of $4.6 Billion Fund in Equities

By Aloysius Unditu

May 5 (Bloomberg) -- East Timor, the world’s newest democracy, may invest about 10 percent of a $4.6 billion petroleum fund in regional equities seeking to diversify from U.S. Treasuries, the government’s economic adviser said.

The government needs the parliament’s approval for the plan, Joao M. Saldanha, an economic adviser to the government, said in an interview in Bali, Indonesia yesterday.

The government is looking for higher-yielding assets to boost income as the U.S. dollar declines. The fund, set up in 2005, manages the revenue from oil and gas produced in the Australia-East Timor Joint Petroleum Development Area. East Timor, where 41 percent of the people live on less than $1 a day, plans to use profit from the fund to develop the nation.
“We need to diversify to other instruments,” to boost earnings from the fund, Finance Minister Emilia Pires said in an interview in Bali.
The dollar traded at $1.3391 per euro as of 9:35 a.m. in Singapore from $1.3406 in New York yesterday. It earlier reached $1.3438, the lowest level since April 6.

Revenue from the oil and gas area may increase to $15 billion by 2025, according to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade.
The fund earned $129.4 million in the final quarter of last year, according to the Banking & Payments Authority of Timor- Leste. JPMorgan Chase & Co is the custodian for the fund.

East Timor, which voted for independence from Indonesia a decade ago, expects its economy to expand 8 percent this year, unchanged from last year, said Saldanha.

To contact the reporter on this story: Aloysius Unditu in Jakarta at aunditu@bloomberg.net

Data Original klik iha ne'e

Rabu, 29 April 2009

Secretário Executivo recebeu Mari Alkatiri

O Secretário Executivo da CPLP, Domingos Simões Pereira, recebeu em audiência o Enviado Especial do Presidente da República Democrática de Timor-Leste para a Guiné-Bissau, Mari Alkatiri, a 15 de Abril, na sede da CPLP.
Durante o encontro, Mari Alkatiri informou o Secretário Executivo do teor desta missão, salientando que a actuação de Timor-Leste na Guiné-Bissau será efectuada em coordenação com a CPLP.
Alkatiri fez-se acompanhar pelo Assessor do Presidente da República de Timor-Leste para Assuntos de Segurança e Defesa, Roque Rodrigues, pelo Embaixador de Timor-Leste junto à CPLP, José Barreto Martins, e pelo Encarregado de Negócios de Timor-Leste em Portugal, João Aparício Guterres.

Warning on East Timor instability by World Bank

EAST Timor's security forces and civil service are politicised, a situation that has not been reconciled and could trigger a return to instability on the restive half-island nation, a World Bank report says.

In its annual draft report, a copy of which was obtained by The Australian, the World Bank warns poor government decision-making and lax fiscal management are likely to lead to increasing wastage and corruption.
The role of highly paid expatriate advisers is also cited as a factor undermining government capacity. The report says multi-million-dollar inflows of royalties from the oil and gas rich Timor Sea have failed to bring any fall in East Timorese poverty.
East Timor is Southeast Asia's poorest nation. Nearly half the country's population, 500,000, are living below the poverty line. That compares with 36 per cent in 2001, one year after the country gained its independence.
The report also appears to be critical of the donor community for failing to help lift the country out of poverty after a decade of assistance.
"Despite concerted efforts by government and development partners, human development outcomes remain low," the report says.
"Timor Leste (East Timor) ranks 150th out of 177 countries on the UN's Human Development Index (HDI)," the World Bank says.
Australian official development aid to East Timor in 2008-09 was worth $96.3 million, focusing on security, rule of law and the promotion of political stability.
The report says the Gusmao Government has achieved some "notable success" in maintaining peace despite the attempted killing last year of President Jose Ramos Horta.
Several hundred Australian peacekeepers remain stationed in East Timor at the request of the Government to ensure there is no repeat of the 2006 violence. (TheAustralianNews)
But the World Bank claims little has been done to remove the underlying causes of political instability, which erupted into bloody violence, leaving dozens killed and more than 100,000 people displaced.
"It would be a mistake to believe that these commendable initiatives have eliminated the risk of further political instability," it says.
"Timor Leste's long occupation left violence as a habitual way of dealing with disputes and frustration, and little has been done so far to reconcile old enemies or systematically address the deep trauma of two generations of internecine conflict.
"The security forces and civil service are prone to politicisation."
Unemployment remains another major problem for the country, with little relief in sight. Almost half the population is below the age of 15, placing huge pressure on basic services.
An estimated 15,000-16,000 young people enter the labour market each year to fill about 500 jobs in the formal sector, the World Bank says.
The Government's economic policies came in for strong criticism, particularly after a decision on rice import subsidies that resulted in a dramatic lowering of agricultural production. "Crop yields are among the lowest in the East Asia region," the bank says. "In 2007 ... families went an average of three months without sufficient rice or maize to eat."

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Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Tais no Surik

Ne'e mak ami nia Kultura Timor Nia